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Just quickly I must catch up on the reading I have been doing.

Love in the time of Cholera
Gabriel García Márquez

I found this book very witty. I am not sure it was supposed to be written tongue in cheek as a comedy, but I did find it hilarious. I loved the atmosphere and the author's love of the setting in the Carribean could be felt. The story settles on two lovers, Florentino and Fermina. Fermina rejects Florentino to marry another, and Florentino spends his whole life waiting for her. Of course, while he waits, he has his own fair share of physical passions but all the time he saves his heart for her. I have been meaning to read this for years, and am glad I read it now. Being middle aged, it has a lot more to say to me about long term affection than it would have done in my early twenties.

On Chesil Beach
Ian McEwan

This short novel is a quick read but very intense. It focuses on two newly weds and what had brought them to that point. It made me think of the stifling sort of upbringing my parents would have had, and the way that things were not discussed, moods were portrayed by silences or body language and in this novel it not about what has happened or what has been said, it is all about those feelings left unexplored, those words not said that would have brought about a result a thousand times more different than it did.

That appeals to me greatly and really interests me. I was left brooding over that point i.e. the things left unsaid and the arguments left hanging over you when just a few thoughtful words on both sides could bring about such a different ending. It is amazing how two people very suited to one another can meet in the first place, and then more amazingly that two people meant for each other, can have a breakdown in their relationship based on resentment for things not said or explained and they may spend a lifetime apart even though they were so well suited in every way. It seems to me that when you talk to older people reflecting on their life, they will often brood over the things that could have happened, rather than what actually did. Anyway, this novel is thought provoking but I would not say it was a really enjoyable or light read.

I have just started reading The Eye in the Door by Pat Barker and I am enjoying it more than the first novel, Regeneration, in this trilogy set in World War I.
More on that when I have finished it.

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